Monitoring Indicators

Maternal Newborn Child and Youth (MNCY) SCNTM

The Maternal Newborn Child and Youth (MNCY) Strategic Clinical Network (SCN) and its core and standing committees have chosen and prioritized indicators that can be used to monitor the performance of Alberta’s healthcare system for our population of mothers, newborns, infants, children and youth.

The following tables make up the complete list of monitoring indicators (previously referred to as key performance indicators) resulting from a modified Delphi process. Links have been provided to existing metrics on the Government of Alberta Interactive Health Data Application (IHDA) website. Some similar existing metrics are available on Alberta Health Services (AHS) tableau, questions about the tableau indicators can be directed to Seija Kromm at

Tables 1 – 3
Contain the monitoring indicators for our three populations – child and youth, newborn-infant (including neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and maternal-fetal – with a comparable existing indicator on the Government of Alberta IHDA website.

Tables 4 – 6
Contain the monitoring indicators for our three populations – child and youth, newborn-infant (including NICU), and maternal-fetal – with a comparable existing indicator on AHS tableau. The AHS tableau links can only be accessed by those within AHS. If you would like more information, contact Seija Kromm at

Table 7
Contains the monitoring indicators for our three populations – child and youth, newborn-infant (including neonatal ICU), and maternal-fetal – that do not have an existing comparable indicator available.

These monitoring indicators will be further defined and used to create a MNCY SCN dashboard. In the meantime, view the indicator tables and contact Seija Kromm at if you have any questions or comments.