
Strategic Clinical Network

The Surgery SCN believes surgical care can be delivered “sooner, safer and smarter” by using evidence to inform decision making at all levels. By finding, sharing and spreading best practices, we will ensure patient care at the bedside is safe and effective.

We will help ensure care is available in the right place and at the right time and offers good value for money. The Surgery SCN is dedicated to making surgical care in our province efficient and sustainable.


The Pre-Operative Fasting and Carbohydrate Loading Prior to Surgical Interventions – Adults Guideline is now available. The guideline promotes evidence-informed pre-operative fasting and carb loading practices. Choose the Projects, Priorities tab below to view all support resources.

Getting Involved

Ideas and input of all stakeholders, including patients and families, are welcome:

To learn more, or become more involved, contact

Network Members

Network Leadership

  • Dr. Jonathan White
    Senior Medical Director
  • Jill Robert
    Senior Provincial Director
  • Tim Baron
    Executive Director
  • Dr. Mary Brindle
    Scientific Director
  • Dr. Sanjay Beesoon
    Assistant Scientific Director
  • Lesley Barker
    Clinical Network Manager
  • Suzanne (Sue) Higgins
    Acting Provincial Manager, ERAS Alberta
  • Bryan Atwood
    Provincial Lead, ACATS
  • David Chakravorty
    Provincial Lead, National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP)
  • Tara Klassen
    Research Scientist, Surgery & Research Priorities & Implementation
  • Lynne Malmquist
    Senior Consultant

Read more about our leadership team.

News, Updates







Projects, Priorities
Related Resources


Research, Innovation


Getting Involved