
Grants are designed to foster and strengthen clinical staff research participation and improve the quality of care for addiction and mental health patients in Alberta.


Publication Grants Program

The total amount of funds available in this competition is $7,000 with $2,500 as the maximum amount of a single award. Grants will be awarded to the AMH SCN research community members to support publications of novel research in open access peer-reviewed journals.


Valuing Mental Health Innovation and Integration Research Grant Competition Call - CLOSED 

The Addiction and Mental Health Strategic Clinical Network is excited to announce the following projects have been awarded funding through the Valuing Mental Health Innovation and Integration Grant Competition. The steering committee was very impressed with the quality of applications and would like to sincerely thank the panel of people with lived/living experience of mental health disorders or addictions for their time and input. These projects all directly address the need for action identified in the Valuing Mental Health Next Steps Document, specifically action item #4 “Identify and test evidence-informed practices and programs to improve community-based system integration, and adopt and spread those practices considered to be most effective”.

Primary Applicant Faculty Title Synopsis
Dr. David Nicholas Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary Integrated Navigational Support for Children with Developmental Disability and Mental Health Issues Investigating the supports needed to improve care for youth diagnosed with both a neurodevelopmental disability (NDD) and a mental health condition by researching:
(1) What are system successes and gaps experienced by families for dually diagnosed children and youth?
( 2) What are the thresholds and elements of complex care (relative to mental health and NDD) for families including social determinants of health?
(3) What are the ‘wrap around’ services needed and available for families?
(4) What system components are necessary for families and service providers to ensure sustained access to services for children and youth with complex NDD and mental health conditions?
(5) What are the key principles of care for this population based on case complexity?
Dr. Stephanie Montesanti School of Public Health, University of Alberta Métis Mental Health First Aid Program in Alberta Adapting the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s standard Mental Health First Aid program to reflect the unique needs of Métis Albertans. The program will be developed by the Métis Nation of Alberta community and include regionally-specific resources and services. The project will be evaluated to ensure the program is reaching its targeted objectives.
Dr. Gina Dimitropoulos Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary The Role of Peer Support in the Emergency Department for Youth and their Families: Navigation to Community and Specialized Mental Health Services Investigating if peer mentors effectively support youth in emotional crisis while in the emergency department and assist with navigating a complex system of community and specialized mental health and addiction services.

Supporting Child and Youth Mental Health Outcomes in Alberta School Settings – Early Career Award Competition - CLOSED

The ‘Supporting Child and Youth Mental Health Outcomes in Alberta School Settings’ initiative will catalyse a provincial collaborative approach to improve mental health outcomes for children and youth. It will assess and consolidate what is known about child and youth mental health pathways to support services and initiatives across Alberta by key partners. This grant was administered through PolicyWise and has been awarded to Dr. Deinera Exner-Cortens - "Healthy relationships as a foundation for school-based mental health: Evaluation, implementation and sustainability"

Pathways to Innovation & Integration in Addiction and Mental Health Grant - CLOSED

The total amount of funds available in this competition is $300,000 with $50,000 as the maximum amount of a single award.

Clinical Connection Grants - CLOSED

The total amount of funds available in this competition is $60,000. One grant will be awarded to an investigator at the University of Calgary who is a member (full or associate) of the Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research & Education and one to an investigator at the University of Alberta who is a member of the Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute. The grant is non-renewable.

Clinical Engagement Grants - CLOSED

The total amount of funds available in this competition is $30,000. Two grants of a maximum of $10,000 will be awarded to proposals led by AHS clinicians and two grants of a maximum of $5,000 will be awarded to proposals led by Alberta psychiatry residents.