Assisting Cancer Health Services Research

The Cancer SCN is well-positioned to partner in cancer research. We can provide the following supports to cancer researchers:

  • identification of local, provincial and national research funding opportunities;
  • assistance with identifying and engaging suitable inter- and cross-disciplinary collaborators;
  • provision of expert scientific advice and/or mentorship (as negotiated) on the critical appraisal of best evidence, the development and articulation of research questions, and the selection of appropriate research methodologies and analytic/evaluation plans;
  • help with navigating the processes of grant writing, submitting applications for funding opportunities, and obtaining appropriate project approvals;
  • provision of guidance on managing post-submission reviewer feedback, and for funded applications, guidance on managing research budgets and timelines;
  • facilitation of access to relevant research support services available within AHS;
  • identification of local, provincial, and national opportunities for knowledge dissemination; and
  • provision of feedback on research “end products”, including presentations, reports, published manuscripts, etc.

How to work with us

We welcome individuals conducting cancer research out of Alberta’s academic institutions, AHS, and community partners to contact us for collaborative opportunities. If you are interested in becoming part of the Cancer SCN Research Network please contact