Past Influenza Seasonal Data

2020-2021 Season

Final Weekly Report #22 (Posted April 8, 2021) - Reporting Period: September 27, 2020 - April 3, 2021

  Alberta Total South Zone Calgary Zone Central Zone Edmonton Zone North Zone Unknown
Doses of influenza vaccine administered.* 1,619,310 98,113 686,688 158,081 541,271 135,022 135
Laboratory confirmed influenza cases (total) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Laboratory confirmed cases of Influenza A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Laboratory confirmed cases of Influenza B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Laboratory confirmed influenza hospitalizations** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Laboratory confirmed influenza deaths (in hospital)** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

*Data provided by AHS for Public Health Zones from Sept. 27, 2020 to Apr. 3, 2021, by Alberta Health (AH) for Pharmacies from Sep. 27, 2020 to Apr. 3, 2021, by AH for IDSM from Oct. 4, 2020 to Apr. 3, 2021, by AHS for community partners (AHS non-public health, non-AHS, Physicians, and Long Term Care sites) up to Feb. 2021, by FNIHB (First Nations) up to Feb. 2021, and by AH for AHS WHS and Covenant Health OHS up to Dec. 2020.

**Hospitalized influenza cases include only those handled by Alberta Health Services. Cases handled by First Nation and Inuit Health have been excluded.

2019-2020 Season

Final Report (released May 7, 2020) - Reporting Period: August 25, 2019 – May 2nd, 2020

  Alberta Total South Zone Calgary Zone Central Zone Edmonton Zone North Zone Unknown
Doses of influenza vaccine administered.*








Laboratory confirmed influenza cases (total)






1,352 65
Laboratory confirmed cases of Influenza A


479 1,664 546 1,371 614 34
Laboratory confirmed cases of Influenza B


353 1,401 557 682 738 31
Laboratory confirmed influenza hospitalizations**


97 558 156 552


Laboratory confirmed influenza deaths (in hospital)** 39 6 11 4 15 3 0

*Data provided by AHS for Public Health Zones from Oct 06, 2019 to May 2, 2020, by Alberta Health (AH) for Pharmacies from Sep 29, 2019 to Apr 04, 2020, by AHS for community partners (AHS non public health, non-AHS, Physicians, and Long Term Care sites) and by FNIHB (First Nations) up to Mar 2020, and by AH for AHS WHS and Covenant Health OHS up to Feb 2020.

**Hospitalized influenza cases include only those handled by Alberta Health Services. Cases handled by First Nation and Inuit Health branch have been excluded

***Please note for all dashboards that as of March 12, community samples are no longer being routinely tested for non-COVID respiratory pathogens including flu.

This will be the final report for the 2019-20 influenza season.

2018-19 Season

NOTE: The numbers referenced from the report below uses data up to March 31, 2019. Alberta had an extended influenza season this year which increased our numbers. Please reference the Alberta Health Report found here:

  Alberta Total South Zone Calgary Zone Central Zone Edmonton Zone North Zone Unknown
Doses of influenza vaccine administered * 1,305,470* 98,345 551,699 116,762 439,417 98,083 164
Laboratory confirmed cases of Influenza A ** 5,939 432 2,308 729 1,170 1,220 80
Laboratory confirmed cases of Influenza B 143 3 33 29 57 21 0
Laboratory confirmed cases of Influenza; Strain not-yet-known 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Number of Albertans admitted to hospital and have lab confirmed influenza 1,391 74 567 160 396 194 0
Number of Albertans deceased who had lab confirmed influenza 30 1 11 9 7 2 0

*Total doses administered by AHS Public Health and Pharmacists as of March 23, 2019.Doses administered by community partners (AHS non-public health, non-AHS and Physicians), AHS WHS Covenant Health OHS and FNIHB from October to December, 2018 and January, 2019. Cumulative total August 26, 2018 – March 23, 2019. Total includes all totals listed under Zone columns, plus 164 cases not yet assigned to a Zone.

** Total includes all totals listed under Zone columns, plus 80 cases not yet assigned to a Zone.

Staff Influenza Immunization Rate (2018/19 Season)

2017-2018 Season

NOTE: Influenza Data for the upcoming 2018/19 season will be posted, weekly, starting November 2018.

  Alberta Total South Zone Calgary Zone Central Zone Edmonton Zone North Zone
Doses of influenza vaccine administered 1,229,350* 92,391** 525,652** 112,629** 406,229** 92,449**
Laboratory confirmed cases of Influenza A*** 5,667 417 2,026 867 1,489 818
Laboratory confirmed cases of Influenza B*** 3,402 214 1,317 531 820 495
Number of Albertans admitted to hospital and have lab confirmed influenza*** 3,047 192 1,120 383 1,029 323
Number of patients who died in hospital and had lab confirmed influenza*** 92 7 32 21 22 10

*Total includes all totals listed under Zone columns.

**Total doses administered in Zone, by AHS Public Health, Non-AHS Physicians and Non-AHS Pharmacists, First Nations Inuit Health Branch, other AHS non-public health and other non-AHS community providers from October 2017 to April 30, 2018.

*** Cumulative total August 28, 2017 – June 23, 2018.

This data is considered preliminary until confirmed by Alberta Health's final annual influenza report.

Staff Influenza Immunization Rate (2017/18 Season)

2016-2017 Season

Final Report for 2016/17 Season

  Alberta Total South Zone Calgary Zone Central Zone Edmonton Zone North Zone
Doses of influenza vaccine administered 1,171,825 * 90,273 491,931 106,934 389,918 92,672
Laboratory confirmed cases of Influenza A 3,793* 278 1,512 552 1,089 361
Laboratory confirmed cases of Influenza B 701* 83 239 93 180 106
Number of Albertans admitted to hospital and have lab confirmed influenza 1,653* 126 610 180 611 125
Number of Albertans deceased who had lab confirmed influenza 64* 7 19 11 20 7

*The numbers listed in the Alberta-wide column are the final numbers, as validated by Alberta Health.  No further updates to be provided for the 2016/17 season.

2015-2016 Season

Final Report (June 16/16)

  Alberta Total South Zone Calgary Zone Central Zone Edmonton Zone North Zone
Doses of influenza vaccine administered 1,146,569** 88,172* 467,942* 105,872* 384,723* 99,860*
Laboratory confirmed cases of Influenza A*** 3,710 272 1,164 525 1,164 585
Laboratory confirmed cases of Influenza B*** 1,601 154 529 249 409 260
Number of Albertans admitted to hospital and have lab confirmed influenza*** 1,698 128 571 202 594 203
Number of Albertans deceased who had lab confirmed influenza*** 62 5 29 5 17 6

*Total doses administered by AHS Public Health, Pharmacists and Physicians as of April 30, 2016, and AHS non-Public Health and other non-AHS community providers as of March 31, 2016.

** Total includes all totals listed under Zone columns, plus zero doses in unknown zone.

***Cumulative total August 30, 2015 – June 11, 2016.

2015-16 AHS Employee Influenza Immunization Rates by Workplace Location - FINAL - May 5, 2016