AHS Bi-Annual Performance Report

The AHS Health Plan & Business Plan is a public accountability document that describes at a strategic level the actions AHS will take in carrying out its legislated responsibilities to deliver quality health services. The 2020-22 Health Plan & 2021-22 Business Plan was developed with guidance and direction from Alberta Health and aligns to the Ministry of Health 2021-24 Business Plan, the Blue Ribbon Panel on Alberta's Finances report and the AHS Performance Review.

Enhancing performance across the healthcare delivery system requires regular monitoring. Performance Reports serve as accountability mechanisms that ensure transparency with Alberta Health and to the public regarding AHS' performance, results and progress.

Performance Metrics

As we move forward with the goals and objectives outlined in the 2020-22 Health Plan, it is necessary to track and measure our progress and success.

AHS has 17 performance metrics to monitor progress on objectives. 15 metrics are reported quarterly; one measure is reported annually; one metric is reported when it becomes available, following a scheduled organization-wide survey.

The 2021-22 Bi-Annual Performance Report outlines AHS' progress from April 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021. Trends are based on comparison between Q2 year-to-date (YTD) 2020-21 and Q2YTD 2021-22, unless otherwise stated, and may or may not indicate statistical significance of the results.

Operational areas have provided narrative updates on priorities and initiatives that contribute to our performance results. View definitions of the performance metrics.

Monitoring Measures

AHS also continues to monitor a number of metrics that are not captured in the Health Plan. Monitoring Measures do not have targets, but are familiar and of interest to Albertans. These measures span the continuum of care and are used by AHS to support priority-setting and decision-making.

These additional measures are tactical and reflect the performance of key drivers of strategies not captured in the Health Plan. While these additional measures were areas of focus in previous Health Plans, we continue to monitor them to ensure long-term success as we focus on new strategies to improve the healthcare delivery system.

Performance Metrics – Dashboard

Current results for AHS’ performance metrics are summarized below. Results are based on comparison between Q2 year-to-date (YTD) 2020-21 and Q2YTD 2021-22, unless otherwise stated.

Goal 1: Improve the Experiences of Patients & Families


of people placed in continuing care in 30 days


of bed days used by alternate level of care patients


users registered on MyAHS Connect Portal1

2021-22 Result:

2021-22 Result:

2021-22 Result:


of patients satisfied with their hospital experience


of mental health patients readmitted to hospital within 30 days

Q1YTD 2021-22 Result:

Q1YTD 2021-22 Result:

Goal 2: Improve Patient & Population Health Outcomes


of hip surgeries performed with 182 days2


of knee surgeries performed within 182 days2


of cataract surgeries performed within 112 days2

2021-22 Result:

2021-22 Result:

2021-22 Result:


Albertans received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine


hospitalizations (per 100,000 pop.) for ambulatory care sensitive conditions


hand hygiene compliance rate for AHS healthcare workers

2021-22 Result:

2021-22 Result:

2021-22 Result:

Goal 3: Improve the Experience & Safety of Our People

3.57 (out of 5)

AHS employee engagement rate


disabling injuries per 200,000 hours worked by AHS employees

2019-20 Trend

Q1YTD 2021-22 Result:

Goal 4: Improve Financial Health & Value for Money


change in annual operational expenditure3


per standard hospital stay

Target for 2021-22: 3.9%

2021-22 Result:


ratio of acute inpatient days to the expected length of stay


of patients4 readmitted to hospital within 30 days

2021-22 Result:

Q1YTD 2021-22 Result:

Legend: Improved     Stable: Within 3% Change    Requires Additional Focus


1. This is a cumulative measure and indicates continuous increase.

2. The wait time interval used for comparison with the benchmark is the time a patient is assessed by a specialist as medically, physically able and willing to receive surgery to the date the surgery is performed.

3. Excludes COVID-19 related expenses.

4. Includes medical, surgical, pediatric and obstetrical patients.