2020-22 Health Plan & 2021-22 Business Plan

The AHS Health Plan & Business Plan is a public accountability document that describes at a strategic level the actions AHS will take in carrying out its legislated responsibilities to deliver quality health services.

The 2020-22 Health Plan & 2021-22 Business Plan was developed with guidance and direction from Alberta Health and aligns to the Ministry of Health 2021-24 Business Plan, the Blue Ribbon Panel on Alberta's Finances report and the AHS Performance Review. Over the year, AHS will focus on recovering to pre-COVID service levels, improving performance over and above pre-COVID levels and addressing other emerging priorities.

Through this new plan, AHS has an opportunity to continue learning and evolving as an organization, and finding ways to better serve patients and their families while maintaining the highest standards of quality and safety.

10-Year Vision

AHS’ 10-year vision supports a more integrated healthcare delivery system that maintains high standards of quality and safety for Albertans. Our focus remains on access and quality, propelling the organization toward greater efficiency, value and integration. This vision aligns with Alberta Health’s policy direction and government priorities and as such, the work will require changes by AHS administrators, front-line staff, hospitals, physicians, patients and clients, and communities across Alberta. The 10-year vision will help support the evolution of our health system to one that is modern, agile, patient- and family- centred and capable of navigating future challenges.

2020-22 Health Plan & 2021-22 Business Plan

Achieving a High-Value Health Delivery System

The 2020-22 Health Plan & 2021-22 Business Plan is organized according to four strategic goals that are based on the Quadruple Aim approach. First established in 2016, these goals remain relevant today and support the organization’s commitment to achieving its vision, mission and values. AHS believes value in healthcare will be achieved by focusing on all four areas.

Our strategic goals, objectives and performance measures support AHS to be an innovative, high-performing, learning and value-based healthcare organization. Each goal includes objectives with corresponding actions and initiatives that articulate how AHS will achieve success. AHS will produce regular accountability reports to monitor progress on achieving our goals and to also ensure transparency with Alberta Health and to Albertans.

The following provides an overview of the goals, objectives and performance measures in the new Health Plan & Business Plan.

Improve the Experiences of Patients & Families


  • Expand community-based and home care options in the most appropriate setting
  • Improve sustainability and integration of addiction and mental health care in communities and across the service continuum
  • Leverage technology and innovation to improve patient and family-centred care


  • Percentage placed in continuing care within 30 days
  • Alternate level of care days
  • Unplanned mental health readmissions
  • Patient satisfaction with hospital experience
  • MyAHS Connect Portal users

Improve Patient & Population Health Outcomes


  • Implement the Alberta Surgical Initiative (ASI) and reduce CT and MRI wait times
  • Focus on health promotion through increased prevention of disease and injury
  • Improve health outcomes and access to safe, high- quality services for Albertans living in smaller communities, including Indigenous communities


  • Percentage of scheduled surgeries performed within CIHI benchmark (hip, knee, cataract)
  • Total Alberta residents who received a COVID-19 vaccination (at least the first dose)
  • Hand hygiene compliance rate
  • Ambulatory care sensitive condition hospitalization rate per 100,000 population

Improve the Experience & Safety of Our People



  • Workforce engagement rate
  • Disabling injury rate

Improve Financial Health & Value for Money


  • Support financial sustainability through cost-saving initiatives and reduced expenditures


  • Annual rate of change in operational expenditures
  • Cost of a standard hospital stay
  • Acute length of stay compared to expected length of stay (ALOS:ELOS)
  • 30-day overall unplanned readmissions (medical, surgical, pediatric, obstetric)