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  • The $39 million Calgary Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CCAMH) project is being built in partnership between Alberta Health Services (AHS) and the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation (ACHF).
  • The ACHF has raised more than $50 million to fund construction of the centre, along with program and research enhancements. Construction of the CCAMH is well underway.
  • Construction completion date of the Centre is currently expected to occur in late summer 2022, with doors opening several months later.
  • Once built, the new facility will provide community-based mental health services to help ensure mentally healthy futures for children and adolescents in our community.
  • The urgent walk-in service will provide an alternative to the ED for patients in crisis, and is complementary to the Day Hospital programs.
  • The centre will provide young people with new and enhanced services, including a walk-in clinic with specialized triage and the opportunity for immediate referrals to onsite programs. These community-based services will provide youth and their families with care designed to stabilize and manage escalating illness and, ideally, prevent hospitalization.
  • In addition to the walk-in clinic, the three-storey, 3300sq.-m facility will also offer an intensive treatment program and a day hospital. The facility’s services will augment and integrate with existing services provided by AHS and community-based agencies.

More Information

  • Calgary Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Q and A
  • For more information about the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation campaign and involvement visit
  • Access Mental Health provides information, consultation and referral to individuals in Calgary who have addiction and/or mental health concerns. For more information on this service visit Access Mental Health

Project Updates

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Have questions?

For more information about the centre email