Webinar: Fracture Liaison Service

Provincial Clinical Pathways

Provinicial clinical pathways have been developed by the Bone and Joint Health SCN to guide the care of patients who have had a hip fracture.

This toolkit for providers includes order sets, patient education materials, and assessment tools.

The pathways are evidence-informed and focus on prevention and the acute and restorative care phases.

If you have questions or feedback you can email us at bonejoint.scn@ahs.ca.

Acute Surgical Pathway
Restorative Care Pathway
Forms & Checklists
Tools & Resources



Fall Prevention




  • Alberta Health Services
    • Healthy Eating Resources
      There is a link to the Nutrition Services DataOnline Resource Catalogue at the bottom of the page. Search osteoporosis which will bring up a copy of Eating Well to Prevent or Treat Osteoporosis. You can print a copy or order in bulk.


Pain Management

Education & Training

Ordering Supplies

Patient Education Resources