Diabetes & Virtual Health

Diabetes, Obesity & Nutrition Strategic Clinical NetworkTM


Virtual Diabetes Prevention Program (vDPP)

In Alberta, approximately 800,000 people live with undiagnosed diabetes or prediabetes. In 2021, the DON SCN launched a pilot study aimed at preventing Type 2 diabetes in adults who currently have prediabetes.

The Virtual Diabetes Prevention Program (vDPP) is a collaboration between the DON SCN, Alberta Blue Cross, Primary Care Networks (PCNs), and Yes Health.

Its goal is to empower Albertans to live healthy lives by embedding diabetes prevention into our healthcare system, and supporting individuals’ food and fitness choices.

How it works

The vDPP focuses on diabetes prevention by providing personalized, one-on-one virtual support.

The program connects participants to health coaches who provide feedback on their nutrition and fitness activity, which is tracked through a mobile application and Bluetooth scale.

Who is eligible?

The program targets Albertans living with pre-diabetes who are at risk of developing this chronic health condition.

Learn more


For more information, or to learn about enrolment, contact: vDPP@ahs.ca