Improving the Patient Experience

Emergency Strategic Clinical NetworkTM

Patient Journey Map

Poor communication is often identified as a pain point by patients and family members using the emergency department/urgent care centre (ED/UCC). The Emergency SCN (ESCN) is helping address these communication gaps in order to improve the patient experience.

The Patient Journey Map outlines patient flow during a typical visit to the ED/UCC. It was developed in collaboration with:

  • Patients
  • Frontline care providers
  • AHS Branding & Publications
  • University of Alberta Information Design Program
  • AHS Human Factors

This will allow patients to better understand their wait times and common steps they may encounter during their visit to the ED/UCC.

The map is currently being piloted in nine EDs across the province through March 2020 before being rolled out provincially.

This work aligns with the Goal #1 in our Transformational Roadmap to improve patients’ & families’ experience by improving in the ED/UCC using information design strategies.

Indigenous Acknowledgement Signage

Many Indigenous patients report feelings of bias and discrimination during their ED/UCC visit. To welcome and increase the sense of belonging for Indigenous peoples, raise aware within the general population, and align with the Federal Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, Indigenous Acknowledgement Signage has been developed.

This work was done in collaboration with the Indigenous Health Program, the Population, Public and Indigenous Health SCN, AHS Branding & Publications, Wisdom Council, Indigenous partners, and the University of Alberta Information Design program.

Following a successful pilot study, the signage will be implemented provincially in EDs/UCCs beginning in April 2020.

View the AHS Indigenous Signage (36x24 posters):

This work aligns with Goal # 1 in our Transformational Roadmap to improve patients’ and families’ experience by creating awareness of the acknowledgement of land for Indigenous communities.