Patient & Family Centred Care in Action

Patient Experience

Patient & Family Centred Care Week: Nov. 6-10

Virtual Keynote Speaker: Cormac Russell
Beyond the Walls: Partnering with People and Communities to Achieve Health

  • November 6, 2023, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

The interactions we have with people in our health system represent a small part of their overall health and wellness. Cormac will talk about how communities and citizens are co-creators of health and how our health systems can be better guests in the lives of people and communities we serve.

Sharing Experiences

Patients and families want to be more involved in the planning and decisions around their health. When patients share their lived experience of an illness or injury, healthcare providers can work with them to learn what has been successful and what has made it hard for them to get better.

Similarly, when healthcare providers help patients understand their illness or injury, take time to learn what matters to them, and connect them to the right resources in their communities, patients are more empowered to take greater responsibility for their health.

The principles of patient and family centred care provide a foundation to create these partnerships.

This year’s theme celebrates the partnerships between patients, families, and healthcare providers. Healthcare is evolving and we are seeing patients’ desire and determination to be a more active member of the healthcare team.

What is Patient & Family Centred Care?

Respect and Dignity. Patient and family knowledge, diversity, strengths, values, and beliefs are listened to and included in the planning and delivery of care.

Information Sharing. Patients and families receive timely, complete, and accurate information in a way they understand to partner in care and decision making.

Participation. Patients and families are essential members of the care team.

Collaboration. Patients and families collaborate in the development, implementation, and evaluation of care services.