Engaging Patients, Residents & Families

Continuing Care

Alberta Health Services believes delivering the best service starts with finding real ways to listen directly to the voices of our patients, residents, clients and families. There are a number of ways to become involved and provide feedback.

Examples of patient/resident and family advisor involvement within Continuing Care Quality include:

  • Membership on Committees and working groups
  • Review of materials and resources used for patient, resident, client and family information sharing and education
  • Participation in focus groups to provide input on policy and communications

In addition to opportunities within Alberta Health Services, numerous opportunities exist within sites and facilities to volunteer or participate in quality at the local level. We encourage you to contact your local provider organization to explore other opportunities to be involved.

Patient/resident/family/client surveys are routinely conducted by the Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA). Residents/clients and families may be contacted directly to participate. This is an integral part of the HQCA mandate to survey and report to Albertans about their experience and satisfaction with the quality of health services they receive.

Numerous opportunities exist nationally as well such as Patients for Patient Safety Canada.